Thursday, May 3, 2012

5/16 at 7pm - Recognizing Symptoms

Dr. Ariel Policano interviews Janie Bowthorpe, author of Stop The Thyroid Madness and the owner of the site by the same name. Janie has done some of the most in depth research for a patient advocate on the complete picture of thyroid health, which is quite complex. Not only do many conventional MD's not understand the complexities thyroid health beyond looking at TSH, but also many alternative healthcare practitioners are missing out on some points including T3 therapy among others. Join us for an engaging conversation about the latest ways available to get your thyroid healthy! See more about Janie at

Sunday, April 29, 2012

What do you need to do to help your thyroid right now? Listen 5/2 at 7pm

How can I best help my thyroid?


  <--- Remember the date and time of the listen the show by adding to Google Calendar! 

Do you have a thyroid issue? That is the question on many women’s minds these days. Do you have ongoing fatigue? Is it a struggle to lose weight no matter what you do? Are you often cold, and find that you need to wear a sweater or extra layers? If the answer to these questions is yes, it is likely that you have a thyroid issue even if you have been told that your test results are “normal”?

I saw my doctor and I was told my thyroid lab tests were normal. But I still feel like I may have a problem!
Take the following quiz:

  • Do you have difficulty losing weight?
  • Are you fatigued much of the day?
  • Do you find that you don’t have enough energy to exercise?
  • Do you crave coffee?
  • Do you feel better after exercise?
  • Are you prone to feeling cold or have cold hands and feet frequently?
  • Does your energy drop in the afternoon?
  • Are your bowel movements irregular, tending toward constipation?
  • Is the outer third of your eyebrows thinning or gone?
  • Are your muscles weak, achy or prone to cramping?
  • Do you have vertical ridges on your nails?
  • Do your fingernails break, crack, split or peel?
  • Is your hair falling out or thinning?
If you answered “yes” to more than 3, questions it is very likely that you have a thyroid issue.

Listen 5/2 at 7pm (California time) as Dr. Ariel Policano helps you to clear up your questions about your thyroid health!

If you are new to understanding thyroid issues, or if you feel you understand some of the will want to listen! Dr. Ariel will give a great overview to many thyroid issues, some that she will be discussing with experts in the field of thyroid health in the future shows. 

Is being told by your doctor,"You don't have a thyroid issue" confusing to you? 

Are you taking Armour or a combination of T4/T3 and still not getting results? Find out why. 

Is T3 the right intervention for you?

What does it mean to have a "conversion issue".

How does this all add up for those who have Hashimoto's? Or Grave's Disease? 

What is reverse T3? Should I have this lab performed my doctor? 

How do the adrenals play a part? What about estrogen? 

Will I ever feel better? 

Will not eating gluten-containing foods make a difference for me? 

Do I need iodine supplementation? If so, what kind? 

Tune in and find out! Do you have questions you want answered on this show? 

PLEASE e-mail them to or call in the day of the show.

Call in number (914) 338-0821. 

Link to show: Listen here, call in and be in our chat room to have questions answered while Dr. Ariel is on air! 

Click here to link to the show!
 <----Remember the date and time of the listen the show by adding to Google Calendar!

Thyroid Health Radio

Listen: Wednesday, May 2nd 7pm Pacific

Go to this link in order to listen:
Thyroid Health Radio

Welcome to Thyroid Health Radio!

Thyroid health radio is designed to talk about all thyroid issues:

  • Hypothyroidism
  • Hyperthyrodism
  • Hashimoto's
  • Do you need T4?
  • Do you need T3?
  • What is reverse T3?
  • How does your thyroid affect your digestion?
  • Could your thyroid affect your B-12 status?
  • How do thyroid issues interact with iron? 
  • What are the right labs to have done? Free T3? Free T4? 
  • What are the best herbs to use? Superfoods?
  • How does Chinese Medicine view thyroid health? 
  • What can you tell your doctor to help you with your treatment? 
  • Is Armour thyroid the answer? Or is T3 right for you?
  • What is the right way to take your temperature? 
  • How do adrenal issues relate to thyroid health?
  • How do estrogen issues relate to thyroid problems?